What is Spiritual Science? 

Why does it have such a profound effect on Faith? Listen into the Soulcast to find out! 

Check out this 10-minute introduction of SoulMotion of Joy! Ministries – What we do, how SoulMotion of Joy! helps you intimately connect with Jesus Christ, and how our Holy Spirit inspired and empowered content helps you spiritually grow in the Kingdom of God. Enjoy! God Bless You. 

Prophetess Anya Kelly  is the Ministry Overseer and Creation Scientist for SoulMotion of Joy! Ministries! She has a son who was successfully healed from the devastating mental effects of Autism! Hallelujah! She yearns to reach people from all walks of life with the Love of Jesus Christ in her through teaching them how to spiritually connect with Him, to receive His Amazing Love, Peace, and Joy for themselves.

God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth (reality). (John 4:24 AMP)

#Spiritual #Science, #Faith, and the #Bible

